Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Can A Dog Become Depressed? Find Out Here

If you have a dog or have had pet dogs in the past, there may be something you have wondered.
That something relates to depression.
So, can a dog suffer from depression? Find out more by continuing reading the rest of this article.
The answer to the above question is yes, dogs can suffer from depression.
In matter of fact, dogs have many of the same emotions that people have.
However, diagnosing depression in dogs can be a little difficult to do, but there are some symptoms you should look out for.
Symptoms Of Depression In Dogs- One of the most common symptoms of depression in dogs is that they have a lack of interest in food.
If a dog has depression, then they may show a slight disinterest in their food, or they may even refuse to eat it.
If your dog is refusing to eat, then they could very well be depressed.
When dogs have a slow reaction, then this could be another symptom of depression.
Another symptom is not being too excited to go for walks when they normally would be, and not being interested in play could be due to depression.
Not wanting to leave home, feeling sleepy and listless, as well as not being as clingy as they normally would be with their favorite person are other symptoms to keep an eye out for.
What Causes Depression In Dogs- There are a number of things that can cause a dog to become depressed, and one of those things is losing a family member.
The family member can be either a person or an animal.
If your dog is acting depressed shortly after a family member or another pet has passed away, then he/she could be grieving.
Moving home or bringing in a new pet or person into the home are two more things that can lead to depression.
If there is a change to their general routine, then this may also cause depression.
As you can see, it is possible for dogs to become depressed, just as humans become depressed from time to time.
If your dog is depressed, then you should find out what exactly is causing their depression.
Once you get to the root cause of the depression, you can take steps to address it, as addressing the problem could end up making your dog happier.

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