Common and Rare Side Effects for carvedilol oral
Common and Rare Side Effects for carvedilol oral
List carvedilol side effects by likelihood and severity.
The following side effects are associated with carvedilol:
Common side effects of carvedilol:
- Abnormally Low Blood PressureSevere
- Blood Pressure Drop Upon StandingSevere
- Chest PainSevere
- DizzySevere
- Fluid Retention in the Legs, Feet, Arms or HandsSevere
- High Blood SugarSevere
- Slow HeartbeatSevere
- Trouble BreathingSevere
- Visible Water RetentionSevere
- Weight GainSevere
- BackacheLess Severe
- DiarrheaLess Severe
- Low EnergyLess Severe
- Numbness and TinglingLess Severe
Infrequent side effects of carvedilol:
- Abnormal Urine ColorSevere
- AnemiaSevere
- Atrioventricular Heart BlockSevere
- Bloody UrineSevere
- Decreased Blood PlateletsSevere
- DepressionSevere
- Feeling FaintSevere
- FeverSevere
- Fluid in the LungsSevere
- Flu-Like SymptomsSevere
- Heart Throbbing or PoundingSevere
- ItchingSevere
- Large Purple or Brown Skin BlotchesSevere
- Liver ProblemsSevere
- Loss of AppetiteSevere
- Reaction due to an AllergySevere
- Red Blood in Bowel MovementSevere
- Yellowing of Skin or Eyes from Liver ProblemsSevere
- Blurred VisionLess Severe
- Chronic Trouble SleepingLess Severe
- CoughLess Severe
- CrampsLess Severe
- DrowsinessLess Severe
- Elevation of Proteins in the UrineLess Severe
- Excessive SweatingLess Severe
- Feel Like Throwing UpLess Severe
- Feeling WeakLess Severe
- Head PainLess Severe
- Inability to have an ErectionLess Severe
- Inflammation of the NoseLess Severe
- Joint PainLess Severe
- Muscle PainLess Severe
- Not Feeling WellLess Severe
- NumbnessLess Severe
- Sensation of Spinning or WhirlingLess Severe
- Stomach CrampsLess Severe
- Throat IrritationLess Severe
- Throwing UpLess Severe
Rare side effects of carvedilol:
- Abnormal Liver Function TestsSevere
- AnginaSevere
- Decreased Blood VolumeSevere
- Erythema MultiformeSevere
- Giant HivesSevere
- HivesSevere
- Interstitial PneumonitisSevere
- Kidney DiseaseSevere
- Life Threatening Allergic ReactionSevere
- Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow FailureSevere
- Stevens-Johnson SyndromeSevere
- Toxic Epidermal NecrolysisSevere
- Worsening of Chronic Heart FailureSevere
- High Amount of Uric Acid in the BloodLess Severe
- High Blood PressureLess Severe
- High CholesterolLess Severe
- Problems with Bladder ControlLess Severe