Health & Medical Parenting

Daycare Health Policies


    • Children often pass on illnesses between each other and this is very prevalent in a daycare setting. By following health policies the likeliness of spreading illnesses and germs is decreased significbantly. It also helps make other parents aware of potential allergies and healthy practices as a whole. By following procedure, parents can rest assured that their child is in a healthy daycare setting.

    Cleanliness and Sanitization

    • Daycare centers should wash surfaces with a nontoxic cleanser. It is also best to use a disinfectant on surfaces that are being routinely handled by children and adults. By washing the children's hard toys routinely in a mild bleach solution, the likeliness of spreading germs is decreased dramatically. Washing children's hand with soap and water and using hand sanitizer for the adults is also another great way to ward off the sharing of germs.

    First Aid

    • Daycare facilities should invest in a well-stocked first aid kit. This kit should include simple things such as gauze and bandages as well as thermometers and antiseptic wound cleanser. When a child is hurt during daycare hours, it would be beneficial to write a report for the parent. This will allow the parent to keep a close eye on the ailment outside of daycare. There should also be a well-visible list of emergency contacts including the parent of each child and local emergency phone numbers.


    • Many daycare centers are not allowed to carry nut products and may go as far as asking the parent not to allow these products in lunches. As peanuts are a common allergy, excluding these from a child's lunch will lessen the risk of a reaction to other children at the daycare. When parents become aware of an allergy their child may have, they should immediately inform the daycare center to ensure the safety and health of their child.

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