Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Affordable Disney Family Vacations? Yes-AFFORDABLE Disney Family Vacations!

Truly affordable Disney family vacations is just way to broad of a topic to cover adequately in just one, single article. There truly are such an enormous amount of tips and suggestions to save money on any Disney vacation that a small series of articles is realistically the only way to begin to cover this topic adequately. It is the intention of this article, therefore, to start right at the beginning and to share some hints and suggestions concerning the:

-Seasons Disney goes through each year.


-Deciding whether to get to either Disney by car, plane or train.

Further "Affordable Disney Family Vacation" articles will continue to explore even more ways to save money on a Disney vacation.

For now, lets get started on the right foot and explain that nobody is going to get an entire Disney vacation for free. Therefore, it is the aim of this series of articles to not reduce the cost of your Disney vacation to zero, but rather to reduce the total cost of your Disney vacation by an amount that you can not help but be pleased with.


O.K. First off, the planning itself. This is where, right now, you really have to put the effort in to get the most rewards. Plan, plan, prepare - then plan some more.

Ready? Here we go.

1) For the rest of this article, when we refer to "Disney" it will apply to both Disney World (Florida) AND Disney Land (California).

First, "Disney" is open 365 days a year. Rain or Shine. If you go to Disney during a more popular time (known as a "season" in Disney language) then the cost of everything will be significantly higher (hotel, food and amenities). If you are willing to go during an off peak time or season, this is the first place that you can begin saving significant money on your Disney vacation. Depending on who you talk to, various folks will break the seasons of Disney down into everything from two basic seasons, all the way up to four or five different seasons. Without trying to make the seasons of Disney to complicated, the following is a very simple way to look at the seasons that Disney experiences that might help you to understand and remember just when those seasons are.

If it is a time when most working families AND their children are OUT OF SCHOOL then the busier times of Disney will always be:

-Holidays (week before Christmas, Thanksgiving weekend, etc.)
-Weekends, Saturdays or three day weekends

A more specific listing, with actual dates of all the "slow, average and peak" Disney seasons are listed below.
Tourists who are really interested in saving money on a Disney family vacation simply must consider planning their Disney vacation during one of the slower seasons that Disney is open.
Total savings of 25-40% are not uncommon during the slower times that Disney experiences.

2) Next, we will discuss the issue of whether you would save the most money driving, flying or taking the train to get to Disney.

Assuming you live a significant enough distance from Disney where you will have to foot the bill for some sort of travel to get to Disney, here are the specifics involved to help you get the most possible savings on your Disney vacation. If you are close enough to consider driving to Disney then you will have to factor that into your prior planning. It really is a simple matter of "adding up the associated costs" where driving is concerned (as opposed to flying) to get to Disney, first.

What you will have to do is simply go online and get the "going rates" for the round trip airfare to get you to Disney and write that down on your planning sheet. Good ball park figures at this point of the process is all you are looking for so far, at this point you don't want to "jump over the dollars trying to chase down the pennies".

After getting the 'going rates' for how much the round trip airfare would cost you to get to Disney and back, then simply do the calculations for how much it would cost you to travel there and back by car.

To help you with all of these associated calculations here is a direct link to a website that has numerous interactive trip calculators [] -miles per gallon, time, distance and average speed calculators-to be specific.

Last, one more tip to consider in getting you to Disney itself is taking the train to get there. Through proper planning of which route to take by train (don't take the route that is going to take you three days to get to Disney and where you will have to change trains three times to finish your journey!) a significant amount of money can be saved by simply enjoying the newer amenities that a train ride now provides. The Amtrak train travel website is easy to negotiate, the routes and costs are easy to plan and understand and the savings can be quite significant.

It is becoming increasingly more popular for folks who, through proper planning, travel to their destinations by train. I highly suggest looking into this option as a possibility of getting you to Disney in a way where you can be fully "enjoying the ride" while on your way there!

January (exception--New Years Day) until just before Presidents' week in February.
The week after Labor Day-until just before the week of Thanksgiving.
The week after Thanksgiving week until the week just before Christmas.

After Presidents' week is over in February up until Spring Break (March).
Late April through early June (exception- Memorial Day Weekend).

New Years Day.
Martin Luther King Weekend.
Presidents Week in February.
Spring Break-March through Late April.
Memorial Day weekend.
Mid-June through Labor Day.
Columbus Day.
Thanksgiving Week.
Christmas Week through New Year's Day.


Have a great day and an even better time at Disney, the place where "memories are made that WILL last a lifetime!"

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