Travel & Places Vacation Homes/Time-Shares

Will My Appliances Work in Gran Canaria?

It has happened to most of us at one time or another; you've just unpacked at your ideal apartment, needed to curl your hair or found that you have to charge your phone or laptop. Then it strikes you, you can't plug anything in.

Struggling to buy adaptors or even step-down transformers when on holiday or at a villa can be a nightmare and often cost a ton €" and you find yourself either being charged too much or without your mod-cons through your stay.

Europe, and in particular Spain, being one of the most popular vacation countries has meant that locating travel adaptors is much, more easier than it was. So really it is more the case of being furnished with the right knowledge so you can be pleased in the fact that you will not be in for a big shock when you get to your cottage or apartment.

Whenever you are taking technology on vacation there are two things you must first know about; firstly, the type of plug, secondly €" and far more inportantly€" the voltage. The plug/socket type is crucial as it will physically determine whether or not you can actually plug your appliance in. Spain uses a round, two pin Euro plug €" a standard thing in Europe of which you will also see in France, Germany and other countries.

I must stress here that the voltage is the most important thing that you ensure is right, this is because you could fry your appliance or even start an electrical fire. To check your voltage you must look for €input€ written on the plug or AC adaptor depending on what you've got. In some cases where the information can't be found you can look at the instructions or contact the manufacturer for more details. Once you assertain the information you need to look for a numerical value ending in a €V€ which means the voltage.

Some electronics can run off different voltages for e.g. 100-240v means that it will function anywhere within 100 volts or 240 volts or 115/230v means it can be alternated between either 115 or 230v. If there is only one number (i.e. 120v) that indicates it can be that voltage only. A US gadget (usually 120v) being used in Europe would not work, because European sockets use 220-240v. If you were to just employ an adaptor in this moment without altering the voltage this would at best €fry€ the gadget and render it useless.

The Spanish national grid runs off 220-240v, so if you come from Europe, the UK or anywhere else which uses the same, all you need is a plug adaptor. If you hale further afeild like the US or Canada, where the voltage is differs, you will need a step-up/step-down transformer. The transformer can €step-up€ the voltage or €step-down€ depending on the voltage, ensuring that your device is not fried.

It has to be said that if you plan on utilising your Anfi timeshare regularly you may want to look into purchasing appliances which will work directly from the mains, although if you've got floating weeks in different countries or Diamond Resorts Points (DRI points), you still ought to prepare yourself first.

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