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Pursuing a Career in Marketing

The decision to pursue a career in marketing is not one that you should take lightly.
If you are thinking about getting involved with marketing, you need to take some time to carefully consider whether or not your personality is ideally suited to working in marketing.
There are three personal characteristics that are essential to having a successful career in marketing: 1.
gregariousness, 2.
a positive attitude, and 3.
self discipline.
The importance of gregariousness is often overlooked by people thinking of marketing as a career option.
But its importance cannot be overstated.
In case you are not familiar with the word, being gregarious means that you are fond of company or sociable.
This is important in marketing because if you are not sociable, you will not be able to get along with your work colleagues very well.
Succeeding in marketing is not just about having all the technical skills good marketing professionals need.
You also need to have the so-called "soft skills" that are every bit as important as technical skills.
If you are gregarious and possess good "soft skills" in addition to being technically skilled, you will be very likely to succeed with your marketing career.
Having a positive attitude is another essential characteristic.
Marketing is not an easy field to work in: There will be good days and bad days.
The trick to persevering in the face of significant difficulties is to maintain a positive attitude.
People with a positive attitude are able to shrug off negativity and work to the best of their ability.
Bosses are not just interested in how good your marketing skills are, they want you to be resistant to burnout.
Nothing makes a person more resistant to burnout than positive thinking skills.
If you are a positive thinker, you will be able to bounce back from defeat in a way that no pessimist ever will.
In the short run, this will help you to do your job more effectively, and in the long run, it may lead to you getting promoted to a better job.
Self discipline is as important as being gregarious and having positive thinking skills.
In today's modern business world, you need to be a self starter.
If you are a self starter, not only will your boss be very impressed, but you will be able to derive more satisfaction from your job.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that your boss's main role is to motivate you: You are responsible for motivating yourself.
While you may be able to succeed in the short run without self discipline, the fact is that in the long run you will fail.
You would be hard pressed to find an individual with a successful career in marketing who does not possess ample quantities of self discipline.
The best marketing professionals are renowned for their self discipline.
Marketing is a wonderful career choice.
There are so many different options and so many ways you can utilize your creative capabilities.
If you want to be the best marketing professional you can be, you need to be gregarious, maintain a positive attitude, and exercise self discipline.

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