Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Life Decisions Create Our Destiny

Recently at a college alumni get together two old friends saw each for the first time in about a year and a half.
One of them commented to the other that the last time they saw each other they were talking about their plans for success and asked the other how that plan was going.
He said that things were going very well, that he quit the job he hated, was doing something that he loved and that he and his family had a lifestyle that most would envy.
The second friend looked sad and the other friend asked him why he looked down.
He said it was because although he had great plans for success he hadn't done anything about it - he was still working for a boss he hated and living basically paycheck to paycheck.
Then he asked the friend to share his advice on how he became so successful, so quickly.
He said "its easy...
find other successful people, learn from them, follow their path to success step by step and then take action" The other friend asked him if he could help him get success in his own life and he answered that he would.
But only if the second friend was serious about getting successful.
I want to let you in on a secret.
The successful friend is me.
You now deserve a life of happiness, one of fulfillment and true freedom.
In life, we all have choices.
Today I want you to choose success.
I find it somewhat pathetic that most people will watch a 2 hour television program that has no impact on their life, but won't spend 5 minutes or so looking at something that could be life-changing.
You can't say you want/deserve success and then spend no time getting it.
It just doesn't work that way.
Don't let life pass you by.
Make a decision that today it's all going to be different for you.

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