Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Diversion Alert

That's right folks, master criminal Paris Hilton is free, after serving just 3 days of a 23 day jail sentence.
She'll be under house arrest for 40 days in her West Hollywood mansion - a 3,000 foot improvement over her 96 square foot jail cell.
And, of course, that (diamond-studded?) ankle bracelet might really chafe after awhile.
But hey, justice has been served and this menace to society has been taught a lesson.
Remember when some semblance of justice actually existed? Yes, there really was such a time.
I read it somewhere.
But back to our happy heiress and her thrill-a-minute escapades.
Obviously, it's the only "news" event worthy of round-the-clock coverage, at least for the next few days.
But wait! Wasn't there some kind of G-8 meeting or something going on in Europe? Something about the whole country of Germany rioting in protest? Not important.
And how about this immigration thing? Aren't they supposed to sign something today, giving amnesty to about 20 million illegal aliens? I hear there are millions of prospective aliens all over the world who are packing their bags this very minute - ready to join the invasion.
Who cares? As they say on TV commercials - come on down! Nothing, of course, compares to the Paris Hilton story.
What about Bush playing chicken with Iran over in the Gulf? What about North Korea firing off more missles? How about the brilliant idea of playing chicken with Russia? How dare that silly Pooty-Poot-Putin object to surrounding his country with "defensive" missiles and bought and paid for countries! Doesn't compare with celebrity news.
And when that dies down, we'll just find another missing teenager to cover.
That should keep the sheeple amused for awhile.
Works every time.
In the meantime, let's hear it for our Ministry of Truth...
I mean, our controlled media, and the lessons we can learn.
It's simple.
Just focus on a compelling diversion to avoid revealing the truth.
Keep everyone uninformed and misinformed and - lo and behold - you acquire complete control.
Don't let it happen.
Ignore the titillating garbage disguised as "news" and seek out the real stuff.
It's out there.

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