The Child Creation Process
Our life is composed of many challenges that need to be solved.
Each day your daily routines pose some new challenges, and your response to them depend greatly in the capacity of analysis, critical thinking and creativeness.
But some people grow up and get stagnated in the creative side of life.
How do we recover the qualities of creativeness to help in our daily challenges? Look at a child and its inner capacity of creating.
For a child there is no impossible challenge, just the discovery of new ways of creation.
Many people dismiss this great opportunity in children, and just pass by their childhood without fostering this amazing skill.
If more children were enthusiastically stimulated by parents and caregivers to use their creative skills, they would grow up into adults that will have more tools to solve the daily challenges life poses.
A child can take two dinosaurs and make one fly on top of the other, or create a screw with blocks, or find the exit of a game not seen previously by an adult.
But this magic needs to be fostered, because it can also be lost or stagnated if restricted.
So many structures can also diminish the creative drive of a child.
Children need to explore their surroundings and form impressions of the universe in a safe manner, but with the freedom of having their interpretation and be able to create.
The caregiver is its companion in this trip to discovery, but the tools need to be provided not forgotten in the rush of modern society full of technological gadgets.
Leonardo da Vinci did not have more than his imagination and some paint to create his masterpieces, to imagine a complete world, and a child has the same power if encouraged appropriately.
Creative skills in a child needs attention from adults.
Praising a child and be attentive to its achievements can make a child thrive to do more and better than the one that is ignored.
Some parents trust education solely in the school system, and do not foster this innate power of creativity in children.
Creativity should start at home from the moment a child is born; it is a great opportunity for a parent to show the world to its child the first time and share the amaze of discovering those challenges.
A child that is supported in this through childhood also grows up more confident, with high self-esteem, and with a greater bond with parents.
Each day your daily routines pose some new challenges, and your response to them depend greatly in the capacity of analysis, critical thinking and creativeness.
But some people grow up and get stagnated in the creative side of life.
How do we recover the qualities of creativeness to help in our daily challenges? Look at a child and its inner capacity of creating.
For a child there is no impossible challenge, just the discovery of new ways of creation.
Many people dismiss this great opportunity in children, and just pass by their childhood without fostering this amazing skill.
If more children were enthusiastically stimulated by parents and caregivers to use their creative skills, they would grow up into adults that will have more tools to solve the daily challenges life poses.
A child can take two dinosaurs and make one fly on top of the other, or create a screw with blocks, or find the exit of a game not seen previously by an adult.
But this magic needs to be fostered, because it can also be lost or stagnated if restricted.
So many structures can also diminish the creative drive of a child.
Children need to explore their surroundings and form impressions of the universe in a safe manner, but with the freedom of having their interpretation and be able to create.
The caregiver is its companion in this trip to discovery, but the tools need to be provided not forgotten in the rush of modern society full of technological gadgets.
Leonardo da Vinci did not have more than his imagination and some paint to create his masterpieces, to imagine a complete world, and a child has the same power if encouraged appropriately.
Creative skills in a child needs attention from adults.
Praising a child and be attentive to its achievements can make a child thrive to do more and better than the one that is ignored.
Some parents trust education solely in the school system, and do not foster this innate power of creativity in children.
Creativity should start at home from the moment a child is born; it is a great opportunity for a parent to show the world to its child the first time and share the amaze of discovering those challenges.
A child that is supported in this through childhood also grows up more confident, with high self-esteem, and with a greater bond with parents.