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Krait Life Cycle


    • The banded krait (Bungarus fasciatus) is the largest of the kraits, with an adult size of over 6 feet. It is recognized by its bright black and yellow bands, and its very prominent backbone. Other species are not as spectacular, and are mostly black with white banded patterns. One species, the red-headed krait (Bungarus flaviceps) is noteworthy for its bright red head on its black body.


    • Kraits are extremely shy during the day, and will typically bury their head under their coils if discovered. This is a defensive mechanism, protecting the head while exposing its body to a predator. Their manner is different at night, when they become quite active. Kraits are highly venomous. Most will eat other snakes exclusively, though some species will eat lizards and rodents.


    • The banded krait will breed in March and April. Kraits are egg-layers, and the female will lay clutches of four to 14 eggs, 60 days after mating. Thailand Snakes states that the female will remain with the eggs, guarding them until they hatch.


    • Krait eggs are soft and leather-like. After an incubation period of 60 days, the baby kraits will slit the eggs with the help of an egg tooth, located on their upper lip. The babies will lose the tooth shortly after hatching. Once baby kraits hatch, they have venom immediately available, and are capable of taking care of themselves.


    • Kraits will catch and kill prey in proportion to their size. They grow rapidly in the first two years of their lives. As they grow older, their growth rate slows, though they will continue to increase in length throughout their lives. Kraits are sexually mature at three years of age.

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