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How to Fix Dead Spots on the Lawn

    • 1). Cut a triangular piece of turf out of your lawn to check the thickness of your thatch layer. A thatch layer over 1/2 inch thick should be removed, which will also remove the dead grass. Thatch is the brown spongy layer that exists between your soil and grass blades. Rent a dethatcher, and push it back and forth across the lawn to remove the thatch and dead grass.

    • 2). Rake up your dead grass if you have a thatch layer less than 1/2 inch thick. Throw the dead grass away if you suspect that your dead patches were caused by fungal diseases or pests.

    • 3). Till the bare areas to break up compacted soil for your grass seeds. Press a screwdriver in the lawn to make a small hole.

    • 4). Place a soil thermometer inside of the hole to test the soil temperatures. Seed warm-season grass if soil temperatures are around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or plant cool-season grass seed if soil temperatures are around 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 5). Broadcast grass seeds over the bare areas. Cover your grass seed with 1/8 inch compost, and water enough to moisten the soil.

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