Health & Medical Eating & Food

These Spicy Pickles Make Tacos Muy Delicioso

This recipe comes from Tacolicious, the cookbook from the eponymous San Francisco restaurant. It's a variation on a traditional Mexican pickle that they serve alongside their tacos. Instead of discarding the brine when the pickles have been consumed, they serve it as a chaser, or pickle back, with shots of tequila. The spicy, salty brine makes for a brusque palate cleanser between shots. Because this recipe calls for rice wine vinegar, which is less than 5% acidity, it cannot be canned via water bath canning, but will keep, refrigerated. 

When it comes to setting the table in Mexico, this mix of spicy pickled vegetables, also known as escabeche, is almost as expected as salsa. 

At Tacolicious, they include cauliflower, but most typically you’ll see jalapeños, carrots, and onions. Unless you have the time and the desire, don’t worry about removing the seeds from the chiles. Try experimenting with a chunkier version, too, leaving the jalapeños whole and cutting the carrots into large pieces.

See Also

Pink Pickled Cauliflower Recipe

24-Hour Spiced Cauliflower Pickle

Curried Cauliflower Pickle

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