How Regular Exercise and Good Food Can Help You Live a Long, Healthy Life
Spring is not that far away and you are starting to panic.
How prepared are you? Are you going to be happy with your shape or the size of your stomach? Or are you going to be hiding away wishing you'd exercised more, regretting the unhealthy food you ate over winter, or even last weekend? Personal trainers are asked every day by gym-goers about how they can improve their waistline, reduce their dress size, increase the size of their biceps...
all based on aesthetic tendencies.
BUT they are truly amazed every time they hear these questions because no one ever asks "how do I improve my health?" The point is that after all is said and done and the need and desire for aesthetic improvements are gone...
how well are you going to live into your old age? Are you going to be a fit and capable senior citizen? Don't neglect the fact that you only get 1 body, 1 life...
and the perfect day or time to start exercising, living that healthy life and caring for the vessel that will take you into old age will NEVER come.
YOU have to resolve to make a start NOW! Most people visit the gym because they want to make a change but more often than not the efforts made and gained are sabotaged by family, friends, husbands, wives and even their kids...
not to mention you! If you are serious about making a positive change, take a stand and impress on these individuals how important this is! And if they care for you then they should be willing to help you reach your goals.
Are you eating to support good health? Of course regular exercise is only going to help achieve your fitness goals if you eat a healthy diet and avoid foods that compromise your health and well being.
There's no point spending hours at the gym if you are going to pig out on bad food.
If body fat loss is one of your goals, you won't achieve it if you go down this road.
Get an immune system! Did you know consuming sugar rich foods reduces your immune system by up to 60% for a number of hours! Think twice about giving in to the sugar cravings while you are sick! If you have been eating poorly, under considerable stress or are just generally run down, your immune system may not be receiving the nourishment it needs to effectively protect your body from infection or to fight off that cold or flu.
Courses of antibiotics may kill the infection but at the same time suppress your own immune system, leaving you struggling to return to optimal health.
Here are 8 simple dietary and lifestyle targets to rebuild a good, strong immune system: 1.
Take a Multivitamin, Omega-3 fatty acid and Antioxidant daily 2.
Keep high GI foods to a minimum (bread, pasta and processed cereal) 3.
Include nuts and seeds and healthy oils in your diet 4.
Eat two pieces of fruit or one cup daily if you are trying to lose weight 5.
Include protein rich foods with each meal or snack 6.
Eat fresh vegetables, a minimum of three cups daily 7.
Drink a minimum of eight glass of water daily and moderate your alcohol consumption 8.
Take part in regular exercise - aim for a minimum of 30 mins a day Eat for quality and nutrition The typical western diet is full of sugar, chemicals, refined cereals and processed foods that are void in nutrients.
Aim for high quality foods like fresh fish, lean meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts, real foods which are all high in essential nutrients.
Stick to a quality fresh diet 90% of the time.
Exercise to reduce stress! Did you know one of the body's responses to stress is to produce a chemical called cortisol, which directly suppresses immune function? When you are stressed your body responds positively to exercise.
Most people find their stress levels are reduced after they exercise.
You only need about 30 minutes a day to achieve a positive result.
And 30 minutes a day, every day, combined with a healthy eating plan should see you through to a ripe old age.
How prepared are you? Are you going to be happy with your shape or the size of your stomach? Or are you going to be hiding away wishing you'd exercised more, regretting the unhealthy food you ate over winter, or even last weekend? Personal trainers are asked every day by gym-goers about how they can improve their waistline, reduce their dress size, increase the size of their biceps...
all based on aesthetic tendencies.
BUT they are truly amazed every time they hear these questions because no one ever asks "how do I improve my health?" The point is that after all is said and done and the need and desire for aesthetic improvements are gone...
how well are you going to live into your old age? Are you going to be a fit and capable senior citizen? Don't neglect the fact that you only get 1 body, 1 life...
and the perfect day or time to start exercising, living that healthy life and caring for the vessel that will take you into old age will NEVER come.
YOU have to resolve to make a start NOW! Most people visit the gym because they want to make a change but more often than not the efforts made and gained are sabotaged by family, friends, husbands, wives and even their kids...
not to mention you! If you are serious about making a positive change, take a stand and impress on these individuals how important this is! And if they care for you then they should be willing to help you reach your goals.
Are you eating to support good health? Of course regular exercise is only going to help achieve your fitness goals if you eat a healthy diet and avoid foods that compromise your health and well being.
There's no point spending hours at the gym if you are going to pig out on bad food.
If body fat loss is one of your goals, you won't achieve it if you go down this road.
Get an immune system! Did you know consuming sugar rich foods reduces your immune system by up to 60% for a number of hours! Think twice about giving in to the sugar cravings while you are sick! If you have been eating poorly, under considerable stress or are just generally run down, your immune system may not be receiving the nourishment it needs to effectively protect your body from infection or to fight off that cold or flu.
Courses of antibiotics may kill the infection but at the same time suppress your own immune system, leaving you struggling to return to optimal health.
Here are 8 simple dietary and lifestyle targets to rebuild a good, strong immune system: 1.
Take a Multivitamin, Omega-3 fatty acid and Antioxidant daily 2.
Keep high GI foods to a minimum (bread, pasta and processed cereal) 3.
Include nuts and seeds and healthy oils in your diet 4.
Eat two pieces of fruit or one cup daily if you are trying to lose weight 5.
Include protein rich foods with each meal or snack 6.
Eat fresh vegetables, a minimum of three cups daily 7.
Drink a minimum of eight glass of water daily and moderate your alcohol consumption 8.
Take part in regular exercise - aim for a minimum of 30 mins a day Eat for quality and nutrition The typical western diet is full of sugar, chemicals, refined cereals and processed foods that are void in nutrients.
Aim for high quality foods like fresh fish, lean meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts, real foods which are all high in essential nutrients.
Stick to a quality fresh diet 90% of the time.
Exercise to reduce stress! Did you know one of the body's responses to stress is to produce a chemical called cortisol, which directly suppresses immune function? When you are stressed your body responds positively to exercise.
Most people find their stress levels are reduced after they exercise.
You only need about 30 minutes a day to achieve a positive result.
And 30 minutes a day, every day, combined with a healthy eating plan should see you through to a ripe old age.