Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Grow a Plant From a White Potato

    • 1). Purchase certified seed tubers of the variety of white potato you would like to grow. Planting potatoes you bought at the grocery store can lead to potato viruses and diseases.

    • 2). Cut potatoes into 1- to 2-inch cubes three to five days before you plant them, to allow the cut surfaces to heal. Each piece should have at least one eye.

    • 3). Plant potatoes in late winter. Pieces should be placed with cut side down in a 3- to 5-inch-deep hole. Potatoes should be spaced 8 to 10 inches apart.

    • 4). Grow potatoes in rich, well-draining soil. Once potato plants have emerged above the soil, apply an organic mulch around the plants to maintain moisture and provide nutrients.

    • 5). Water to keep the soil moist, but do not allow the ground to become soggy.

    • 6). Fertilize potato plants every two to four weeks. Follow package directions for application, and water in the fertilizer well.

    • 7). Mound soil a little bit higher around the plant every other week. This mound should be 4 to 6 inches high around each plant by summer. The mound prevents potato tubers from becoming green or sunburned.

    • 8). Watch for insect pests on your potato plants. A common pest is flea beetles, which are tiny, shiny, black insects that jump from plant to plant. They leave holes or white streaks on the plant foliage, which can lead to wilting and death of the leaves. If you find signs of flea beetles, ask your local nursery to recommend a pesticide safe for use on food crops.

    • 9). Harvest the potatoes when the vines die back. Most potatoes are ready for harvest in the summer, but some varieties are dug in the fall.

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