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How to Paint Wooden Materials

    • 1). Sand your wooden surface until it is relatively smooth, starting with rough-grit sandpaper, such as 60-grit, and moving to finer sandpaper, such as 120- to 150-grit.

    • 2). Wipe all your wood dust away with a dry rag, then wipe the surface down with a very slightly damp rag to remove any traces of sanding dust. Allow the wood to dry completely.

    • 3). Fill in any remaining rough spots or pits with wood putty, if you want a very smooth finish. Apply with a putty knife and scrape off any excess. Sand the putty smooth once it is completely dry.

    • 4). Apply a coat of primer to your wood using a high-quality paintbrush. Use a roller with a high-quality pad for large, flat areas. Do not allow the primer to pool in any crevices or dimensional details on your wood; wipe the excess away with your paintbrush or a rag.

    • 5). Apply a coat of acrylic paint after the primer coat is completely dry. You can add a second coat of paint if you like, but it may not be necessary with quality paint and a primed surface.

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