Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Natural Home Remedy For Piles

A natural home remedy for piles is a far better option than over the counter medication or even surgery, neither of which can provide a permanent cure.
However, there is no doubt that topical treatments can help give some soothing relief for piles and may even shrink the blood vessels temporarily.
However, once the treatment is stopped, the piles will revert back to how they were prior to treatment as nothing has been done to address the cause.
Even surgery, which is often painful, with a lengthy recovery period, will not cure piles as the conditions in the body which caused them to form in the first place still remains.
There are various causes of piles, with the main one being pressure in the anal area.
This can be due to constipation, heavy lifting, diarrhea, childbirth and lack of exercise.
If you have had piles for some time, you do not need me to tell you how they can be notoriously difficult to eradicate and because of this, many sufferers resign themselves to living with this embarrassing and downright painful condition long-term, mopping up the symptoms where possible with expensive creams and potions.
There is absolutely no need to live with piles.
A natural home remedy for piles can completely eradicate the root cause and ensure that you do not have piles again.
However, it is essential that you distinguish between a collection of simple tips and a professionally designed systematic plan which has been tried and tested and which is guaranteed to work.
The tips below are a great way of getting relief from the symptoms of piles and you can put these into practice right away.
* Take a warm bath - in fact take up to 4 a day.
This can both keep the area clean and the warm water gives great pain relief.
* Apply diluted witch hazel to the piles-this can both soothe and help shrinkage.
* Use an ice pack wrapped in a clean flannel against the anal area.
* Drink 2 liters of fluid daily to help keep stools soft.
* Apply zinc cream or plain petroleum jelly to the piles to soothe the area.
If you do decide to try out a comprehensive natural home remedy for piles, then you must understand that although it can begin to work quickly, you cannot consider such a treatment as a "quick fix".
To eliminate piles completely, you will need to invest some time and effort in your own healing and be prepared to make some lifestyle changes.

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