Travel & Places Hotels & Lodging

About London Hotels


    • All hotels are judged based off of a "star system." A hotel with one-star means you get an unsuited or private room with little to no commodities.


    • With your private two-star room, dinner is available in the evening, but you may not have your own private shower. Travelodges are the most common two-star hotels.


    • Three star hotels provide not only private rooms, but room service as well. Again, a private shower is not guaranteed. These hotels cost a bit more, but are widely available across London.


    • One perk of a four-star hotel is that you many of the rooms include a private bathroom and 24-hour room service. These rooms are popular because they are far less expensive than five-star hotels. Best Western Hotels and Arora Hotels are popular choices.


    • There is no service left behind with five-star hotels, there are many perks you may not even use that is included with the ticket price. Some of London's most famous hotels are five-star, like the Ritz.

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