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Homemade Stationery Holders

    Recycled Box

    • Create a stationery holder by repurposing a box. Find a small box that will fit your cards and envelopes when they're stacked, either standing up or laying flat. This might be the undecorated box they came in or a child's shoe box. Cover the outside of the box to match the stationery by coloring it with paint or gluing a decorative paper on the outside surfaces. Use a different color on the inside and outside of the box for added contrast. Tie a ribbon around the perimeter of the box and make a bow in front to finish the holder.

    Decorative Folder

    • Make a stationery holder that you can take with you wherever you go. Begin with a piece of thin cardboard or sturdy paper, such as a cereal box or poster board. Cut the piece to be as wide as the paper it will be holding. Place the cards near the bottom of this material, and fold the bottom of the holder about 1/3 of the way up the cards. If the cards are too thick to be held with just one fold, make a folded shelf at the bottom that can easily fit all the cards inside. Staple the pocket on either side. Fold the rest of the material downward over the stationery to line up with the bottom of the folder. Decorate the outside with paints, and keep it sealed by tying it closed with a colorful ribbon or string.

    Floppy Disks Tray

    • Add some flair to your office or work station by holding your stationery in a box made from floppy disks. Collect eight floppy disks. Set two on a flat surface and glue them side-by-side to make the bottom of the container. Stand up the other floppy disks and glue them to every side around the perimeter of the base. Add extra support to the container by threading clear fishing line through the corner openings of the disks and securing them together with knots.

    Ribbon and Clothes Pin Display

    • Show off your stationery before you use it by creating a ribbon and clothes pin display. Select a ribbon that will match the color or theme of your stationery. Use thumbtacks to secure each side of this ribbon across a wall, leaving some slack in the center. Hang each piece of stationery, with its envelope behind it, across the ribbon with a clothes line pin. For added decoration, paint the clothes pins to match the theme, too.

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