Technology Software

How to Burn a UDF File on Nero

    • 1). Insert the blank CD or DVD into your computer's disc drive and dismiss the "Auto Play" window that opens. Launch Nero Burning ROM.

    • 2). Click on the disc format drop-down menu in the corner of the "New Compilation" interface and choose the type of disc you are burning. Click the "CD (UDF)" or "DVD (UDF)" option in the selection window below the drop-down. Click the "New" button to open the "Selection Screen."

    • 3). Click on the UDF file you want to burn in the "Browser" window and drag it into the "Compilation" window on the left side.

    • 4). Click on the "Burn Now" button in the bottom corner of the "Selection Screen" to start the burn process. The drive will write the UDF file to the disc and a progress bar will appear indicating the status of the burn process. The disc will be ejected once the process is complete.

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