Health & Medical Lose Weight

Learn How to Start Eating Healthy to Lose Weight

TV and internet ads are pushing all sorts of weight loss and diet pills.
These pills are extremely expensive and have received mixed results.
This article is going to give you a few tips so that you can learn to start eating healthy to lose weight.
No more expensive weight loss pills that don't work.
The first thing you need to understand is when and what to eat.
Eating a majority of your carbohydrates in the morning hours will help jump-start your metabolism.
Common practice and tradition states that we should eat three meals per day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
However, current professionals have been saying for years now that six smaller meals per day is better for you.
Three larger meals and three snacks.
This six meal per day plan will help to keep metabolism up and pumping, as well as keep blood sugar levels from spiking up and down (a plus for diabetics).
It is strange to get used to eating more often, but with some persistence and goals, it isn't far fetched.
There are many ingredients out there just waiting to derail your healthy weight loss goals.
The first suspect in this health heist is High Fructose Corn Syrup.
High fructose corn syrup is found in more food items than you might expect.
The first couple of items that come to mind may be sodas and candy.
But did you know that pretzels and some potato chips contain high fructose corn syrup.
Why should you avoid this questionable compound? High fructose corn syrup has been shown to block certain receptors that let your brain know you are full.
Therefore, you end up eating more than you original planned.
Now you may be thinking that you will avoid this poisonous chemical by drinking diet soda instead.
Wrong! Artificial sweeteners are bad for you as well.
They can have the same effect by making you feel less full.

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