Travel & Places Other - Destinations

My Leisure Vacation in Yangshuo China

There are really many things to do in Yangshuo.
Our two days here we went on a bike riding along the Yulong river.
It was quite an experience! It must have been more than 90 degrees and we had a awful map so we nearly got lost in the rice terraces.
My dad was all excited because he was saying it was an exploration but I did not think it was fun, as a 13 year old kid.
I felt very thirsty and all I wanted to do was get back to the hotel.
The day after that we pretty much stayed in the hotel because we all didn't feel so good.
The next day we took a cruise trip down the Li river.
We saw a lot of gorgeous scenery but the coolest thing I saw was some kids playing with a water buffalo in the water.
They were riding on it and dashing it, which looked fun! The trip took us about 5 hours, and then we took bus back to town where we had dinner with a couple from Germany and Finland.
I thought they were very attractive and nice, seemed to enjoy Yangshuo because it was less polluted than the rest of China.
One of the most interesting things we did in Yangshuo so far was rent electric motor scooters.
After our experience with the bicycles, it was a much better substitute.
First we scooted over to a place to go swimming.
When you're swimming in the rivers here you're never believed to open your mouth, since the river didn't look so clean that I was a little scared to get in.
After about 10 minutes of swimming, we were sitting on a rock wall in the water and we saw a nappy floating by.
So we didn't go swimming any more.
In China the kids really don't mind showing their private parts.
We were sitting on the same rock wall when four five-year-old looking boys stripped down right in front of us and leaped into the water.
After that we went over to the Moon hill.
Moon hill is a big mountain with a perfect semi-circle in the middle.
This was one of the most interesting and embarrassing moments I have ever had.
I think of myself as a pretty good hiker as I walked up a big hill everyday to school.
That day I was beaten by a 69 year old woman who kept up with us the whole way carrying a cooler full of coke and fan us the whole way, so in the end we just had to buy a coke from her.
So far the Chinese people seem to be nice on the exterior but if you are not willing to buy what they trying to sell, they can turn impolite, but once you get away from the tourist tilting people, they are very nice and warm hearted.
The trip has been remarkable so far and it just comes to my mind to think how many people are in China.
The things I have seen are amazing and I can't wait to see more I'm looking foreword to learning more about the Chinese government and about Mao, which is all very interesting!

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