- 1
The bag can be reused.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Pour 1/4 cup popcorn kernels into a brown lunch bag. The bag keeps the heat and the popcorn encased for even cooking. - 2). Add 1 teaspoon butter or vegetable oil to the inside of the bag. Sprinkle a dash of salt to taste. Other favorite seasonings can also be placed into the bag at this stage.
- 3). Fold down the opening of the brown bag approximately 1 inch two times. This seals the bag, much like a microwave popcorn bag.
- 4
It usually take about two to three minutes for the popcorn to be done.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Press your microwave's normal popcorn setting. If you do not have one, set it at high for four minutes to be on the safe side. Listen to the microwave for the sound of popping. - 5). Remove the bag once the popping becomes less frequent. When the popcorn stops popping for roughly four or seconds seconds between pops, press cancel on your microwave.
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