Easy to Follow Diet Menus and Exercise Plans
- Keeping a diet low in fat and cholesterol will help you lose weight and keep the muscles toned. A low-fat diet will help you improve your overall health and lower chances of heart disease. Avoid deep-fried foods. Eat less red meat and dairy products, instead focusing on whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Keep away from foods that contain simple sugars like cookies or sweets and avoid alcohol as much as possible due to its high calorie content and low nutrient value.
- Incorporate small amounts of activity into your day as a way to raise the metabolism and further the effects of a regular exercise routine. When commuting to work, try to walk as much as possible; if the distance is too long, ride a bicycle instead of driving. If the distance is still too far to not drive, do so part of the way and park a short walk or bike ride from work. During your lunch break, try to incorporate a short walk. Try to take the stairs instead of elevators or escalators. Whenever you bend over, try to incorporate a stretch.
- Do regular aerobic exercise during the week to maintain a healthy weight and shed fat. Aerobic exercise gets the blood flowing to the muscles and raises the metabolism over time. Perform aerobic exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes each day. If you are overweight and heavy impact causes discomfort, try riding a stationary bike or using an elliptical machine to burn calories. If you are in better shape, try jogging, tennis or racquetball.
Also incorporate a strength training program into your fitness schedule. Lifting weights in a gym, using resistance bands or a Swiss ball are great ways to build muscle as you shed fat. Perform strength training exercise on days you have off from aerobic exercise. When starting, perform two to three sets of strength training exercise such as bench presses or squats, doing five different exercises. Over time, work your way toward doing more exercises, focusing on the entire body.