Home & Garden Gardening

How to Farm With Epsom Salts

    • 1). Measure the area you want to apply Epsom salts. This is best done prior to planting so the Epsom salts are mixed with the soil when tilling. Apply 1 cup of Epsom salts per 100 square feet. Since there are 43,560 square feet in an acre, this would be 435.6 cups of Epsom salts per acre.

    • 2). Spread Epsom salts over the soil and till the area so the soil and salts mix.

    • 3). Mix 1 Tbsp. of Espom salts per gallon of water to spray on fruits and vegetables to prevent pests from eating through your crop.

    • 4). Apply 2 Tbsp. of Espon salts to the root zones of fruit trees three times per year. Place the salts on the ground and then water the soil, allowing the Epsom salts to absorb through and saturate the roots.

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