Health & Medical Anxiety

Anxiety Attacks - Are You Happy? Maybe That"s Why You"re Anxious?

When you are happy and contented there is usually less reason to be anxious.
If your bills are paid, you have a loving family and enjoy your job; it´s easier to have a calm mind.
This just makes sense, with less to worry about, there are fewer thought threads that can lead to panic attacks, generalized anxiety or other problems.
Of course, few people have such a perfect life, that´s really for fairy tales.
However, many people can find contentment, happiness and gratitude for what they have which will lead to a more positive mindset and that´s key when you´re fighting anxiety.
  In today´s consumer oriented culture, most of us value our self worth by what we have.
How big our house is, how many cars we have, where our kids go to school have all become paramount concerns and sources for bragging rights.
When we fall short of our neighbors, friends or families, we feel inadequate.
This mindset is what drove so many consumers into horrendous debt.
Keeping up with Joneses have left American families and American adults feeling worn out and inadequate.
  It´s no wonder that anxiety based conditions are at an all time high.
How could you not be anxious with such pressure and the mounting burden of bills, debt and expectations?  I´m exhausted just writing about it, let alone living it.
  When times get hard, as they have now, it actually forces us to examine our lives and our priorities.
For many people, it is time to experience and revel in the simple pleasures again.
  While the employment and financial situations may be stressful, it is a great time to reconnect with family and friends and find a deeper meaning in your life than simply the 200 dollar pair of jeans or the Juicy jumpsuit.
So take a moment to appreciate what you have and be grateful for it.
  When you start to focus on what you have, rather than what you don´t have or wish you had, you will find there are so many reasons to be happy.
With appreciation and happiness come better mental thoughts, ones that are less likely to run wild into anxiety territory.
  The great thing about gratitude, is that it can put you in a better mood quickly, ease troubled thoughts and can be practiced anywhere, at anytime.
You can take a breather and think about the good things in your life in your car, at your desk, in your favorite recliner, or before you drift off to sleep.
It´s important that you focus on the object of your gratitude, whether it is a situation, an experience, a person or a thing.
Focus on why you´re grateful and what has been brought to your life by the object of your gratitude.
Regardless of when and where you take a moment for an act of gratitude, your heart and mind will feel better and you will find your anxiety burden greatly decreased and your attacks far less frequent.
This is a simple, easy thing that anyone can do, anyone can find time for, and anyone can benefit from.

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