Business & Finance Social Media

Twitter Strategy - Why It"s Important to Have a Twitter Strategy

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
While trite, it's true.
People with plans in hand make better use of their limited resources of time, money and energy.
And, you can do the same thing.
When it comes to using any social networking tool, it's important to have a strategy.
If you don't, then you won't make the best use of your resources and, possibly, you may lose focus on your business objectives.
So what can you do? Make sure you have a solid plan of action.
Without a plan, you really won't know why you're doing what you do.
What do you want to accomplish and why? How are you going to accomplish your objectives on Twitter? Be sure to set solid measurable goals so that you have something tangible to assess.
You might measure things like follows, followers, tweets, number of new sales by product and by day, number of prospect inquires mentions, etc.
There are countless things you can measure on Twitter.
You need to figure these out before you get started.
You can always fine-tune and add other measures later.
Manage your time.
Schedule time to manage your online activities.
Either do it daily, a couple times a day, or weekly.
With auto-scheduling features available with various Twitter clients, you can schedule tweets well into the future.
This will leave you free to do non-scheduled activities on a daily basis and with very little expenditure of time.
Batch your work for the best results and the most effective use of your time.
Measure the results of your efforts and make adjustments as necessary.
When you drafted your Twitter strategy, certainly you established measurable goals with regard to what you wanted to accomplish.
Measure frequently and compare to your stated goals to see how well you are tracking.
When you have a strategy, then you have a course of action - a map of your journey from where you are now to where you want to be in the future.
You have goals and objectives and specific measures that you're trying to meet.
You manage your time and schedule activities that will help you meet those goals.
And, most importantly, you measure your results and revise your plans as necessary.
A plan is a necessary foundation for you success.

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