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How to Make Wattle Fencing

    • 1). Locate trees on your property from which you can saw off stick branches. Carefully cut the branches from their trees. Then gather them in bundles, until you have a pile large enough for your fence.

    • 2). Drill holes halfway into the end caps with the power drill. The holes must be large enough for the dowels to twist onto the rebar, but small enough that they hold firmly.

    • 3). Place the capped rebar stakes on the area where you want to put up your fence. The rebar should be 1 1/2 feet apart for a straight line of fencing, and 1 feet apart for curved sections. Pound the uncapped end into the ground at its spot using a mallet, until only one foot is visible.

    • 4). Choose the thicker branches and weave them alternately under and over the stakes. Start laying the first branch from the outside of the fence and the next branch from the inside. This will make the branches weave in every possible direction. As you go, slide the weaving down toward the ground so that everything fits firmly together. Continue until the last row fits firmly under the cap, which will hold the branches in place.

    • 5). Sort out the leftover, thinner branches from the pile that you prepared, and weave them into the gaps of the fence.

    • 6). Trim off the branches that sticks out.

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