Health & Medical Men's Health

Increase Your Penis Size This Weekend - Using Only One Routine!

In this article I will show you how to increase the size of your penis over the course of this weekend, now when I say increase the size, what I mean is you will start to see change, it wont be very big but there will be noticeable results that will spur you on to keep going.
  The reason the change is apparent within the first two days is because your penis is made up of blood and tissue, now when you exercise anything in the body including muscles and tissue, it will inflame and become swollen.
Once this happens you will then go through the healing process, this will repair any damaged skin tissue or blood vessels within the penis.
  But during this process is where the magic happens, upon rebuilding your bio-structure the body also makes the tissue and blood vessels that were damaged, much stronger and larger than before, this will duplicate skin cells and eventually increase the overall size of your penis.
  The exercise which we are going to talk about is know to help you in three ways.
Your exercise for the weekend The following exercise is what you will be using from Saturday to Sunday for around 10 minutes twice each day.
  Before you start you need to make sure that you have bathed your penis in warm water for 3 minutes prior to exercise, which will reduce any extreme long term damage.
  Once you have warmed up you will need to be in a semi erect state, this accelerates your growth rate.
  Simply cup the shaft of your penis quite tightly and gently swing in a clockwise motion for the count of 20 swings.
  What this will do is shock the penis into growth and force blood flow around which then has more of a chance of expanding the chamber pockets which hold the blood.
After you have performed this routine you then need to focus on one last technique which is a simple tug approach, all you do is once again cup your penis at the base and pull downwards for the count of 10 seconds, do this 15 times and rest.
  Once you have finished these exercises you will like I said begin to see change, after the first night you will see some difference in width and on the second night you will see a difference in length.
  If for some reason you don't then it seems you may be performing the routines incorrectly.
  Another add bonus would be for you to go down the natural dietary route and focus on a natural enhancement program that enables you to educate yourself on the processes of natural enlargement.
It's been said that your diet accounts for up to 77% of your overall gains.
  Over the weekend make sure you drink at least 4 liters of water, 2 each day but not exceeding that amount, also try to eat some alkaline foods such as cucumber and rocket which are high in energy.

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