How to Present Creative Ideas - Part 1
Creating great creative ideas is one thing.
Knowing how to present creative ideas is another...
but a HUGE part of your daily life in advertising as a copywriter.
Okay, here's one of the biggest presenting skills you're going to need to learn, AND FAST...
make 100% sure, from day one, that you VARY YOUR PRESENTATION ORDER.
Make sure that you NEVER go in front of the same people twice with the same order of work.
NEVER present the work you want to sell first and then show the rest of your concepts.
NEVER show your favorite work always in the middle of your entire group and make people pick it out for themselves.
And NEVER put your best work at the end and present it last every time.
Why? Because the minute your bosses and your clients 'know what's coming,' you're dead.
They'll be able to see through you and see your agenda.
You never want that to happen.
You want the people you are presenting to TO BUY THE CONCEPTS THEY WANT TO BUY, NOT THE ONES YOU ARE TRYING TO SELL.
If the people you are presenting to can smell which ad or spot or commercial campaign YOU are trying to push...
they will usually not go that way.
You have to remember that your agenda is your agenda.
The clients' agenda is making sales.
Massive difference.
And the sooner you understand just how big a deal this is, the faster your becoming a copywriter efforts will pay huge dividends.
Let me repeat, because I only WISH I had known this secret before I started my career.
Vary your work every time.
Keep people guessing (especially your clients BUT INCLUDING your Art Director.
) Using this tactic will also keep you 'fresher' as a presenter as it will FORCE you to vary your intensity of HOW you present each piece.
You'll do well once you know several unique ways how to present creative ideas.
Knowing how to present creative ideas is another...
but a HUGE part of your daily life in advertising as a copywriter.
Okay, here's one of the biggest presenting skills you're going to need to learn, AND FAST...
make 100% sure, from day one, that you VARY YOUR PRESENTATION ORDER.
Make sure that you NEVER go in front of the same people twice with the same order of work.
NEVER present the work you want to sell first and then show the rest of your concepts.
NEVER show your favorite work always in the middle of your entire group and make people pick it out for themselves.
And NEVER put your best work at the end and present it last every time.
Why? Because the minute your bosses and your clients 'know what's coming,' you're dead.
They'll be able to see through you and see your agenda.
You never want that to happen.
You want the people you are presenting to TO BUY THE CONCEPTS THEY WANT TO BUY, NOT THE ONES YOU ARE TRYING TO SELL.
If the people you are presenting to can smell which ad or spot or commercial campaign YOU are trying to push...
they will usually not go that way.
You have to remember that your agenda is your agenda.
The clients' agenda is making sales.
Massive difference.
And the sooner you understand just how big a deal this is, the faster your becoming a copywriter efforts will pay huge dividends.
Let me repeat, because I only WISH I had known this secret before I started my career.
Vary your work every time.
Keep people guessing (especially your clients BUT INCLUDING your Art Director.
) Using this tactic will also keep you 'fresher' as a presenter as it will FORCE you to vary your intensity of HOW you present each piece.
You'll do well once you know several unique ways how to present creative ideas.