Home & Garden Gardening

Definition of a Window Dressing


    • A window dressing can serve a purely decorative function or it help to block out light or provide privacy. In some cases, a window dressing may give a homeowner or renter with limited outdoor space a chance to grow a small herb or flower garden.


    • Window dressings include curtains such as valances, jabots and cafe curtains. Fancy shades such as Roman blinds and decorative curtain rods are also a type of window dressing. A planter box, collection of taper candles or any other decorative object placed on a window sill are also types of window dressings.


    • A window dressing can be either inside or outside of the house, as long as it is somehow attached to the window. A pair of shutters can be considered a window dressing as can a flower box attached just beneath the window sill.

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