Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

Health Insurance for Diabetics - Where to Get the Best Rate

Health insurance for diabetics is essential. Uninsured adults with diabetes are far less likely to receive the care they need to stay healthy and to effectively manage their disease.

In addition, according to the American Diabetes Association, diabetics spend an average of $13,243 each year on health care. Diabetics also need supplies such as testing strips, glucose meters, and insulin in order to manage their disease.

What Are Your Options?

Problems obtaining health insurance make it harder for diabetics to manage their disease, often with devastating consequences. The best option for health insurance when you have diabetes is to find a job that offers health insurance as a benefit.

If this is not an option for you, another alternative is to turn to government-sponsored program such as Medicare, Medicaid, or state programs. However, these policies are often expensive.

Another alternative is to purchase an individual health insurance policy. You can find full-coverage or major medical policies or even a short-term policy if you just need coverage for a short time until you find another option.

Finding an Affordable Individual Policy

To find affordable health insurance for diabetes, go to an insurance comparison website. At these sites you enter your health information on a simple online form. You'll soon receive quotes for multiple insurance companies that you can compare, then choose the company offering the best premium.

Some other ways to save money on your insurance if you have diabetes are...

* Choose a company that specializes in insurance for diabetics and may include coverage for insulin, test kits, injection kits, diabetic shoes and socks, and diabetes-related complications

* Work to keep your diabetes under control, which may help you get lower payments

* Ask other people who have diabetes for recommendations on insurance companies that provide good policies for diabetics

Where to Get the Best Rate

Visit or click on the following link to get diabetic health insurance quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save. You can get more tips and advice in their Articles section, and get answers to your questions from an insurance expert by using their online chat service.

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