Man Health - Andropause And Menopause
All of us should already know that while the end of menstruation is the symptom which is called menopause.
There is an on going highly debated topic called andropause.
Have you heard? Andropause is the male equivalent to menopause.
Did you know that? This industrialized society we live in have turned andropause into a man's condition.
The symptoms that accompanies andropause are: prostate problems, low sperm count, weight gain, low sex drive, anxiety and low levels of zinc within a man's body.
There are so many other symptoms that are associated with andropause as well.
Is this fact or fiction? This is a big controversial thing in the medical world today who are debating at conventions about this.
There is no concrete consensus at the moment so don't get alarmed.
So my friend, if you are experiencing memory, sleeping problems, hair loss, your cranky, aches and pains, decreased in sexual performance, etc...
Yes their are more symptoms, then it just might be this thing called andropause.
No more in blaming our women when they are not doing well.
Yes men, I am sorry to tell you that we as men have issues too.
Maybe a little of erectile dysfunction or depression? These symptoms can be battled.
and for starters, you need to start changing your lifestyle.
A great diet and exercise.
And also you have to slow down on the alcohol and do something about that smoking.
Yes this andropause thing is still a highly debatable topic with doctors doubting if it even exists.
The main reasoning that is still being agreed upon is, what the proper definition will be.
Their is no clear physical symptom that is used to diagnose andropause.
We just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, enjoy life and have lots of sex(only if your in the mood.
And if your not, or looking for some transitions, there are great tips over at my site about various sexually men issues and what you can do about it.
) Andropause: Fact or Fiction.
There is an on going highly debated topic called andropause.
Have you heard? Andropause is the male equivalent to menopause.
Did you know that? This industrialized society we live in have turned andropause into a man's condition.
The symptoms that accompanies andropause are: prostate problems, low sperm count, weight gain, low sex drive, anxiety and low levels of zinc within a man's body.
There are so many other symptoms that are associated with andropause as well.
Is this fact or fiction? This is a big controversial thing in the medical world today who are debating at conventions about this.
There is no concrete consensus at the moment so don't get alarmed.
So my friend, if you are experiencing memory, sleeping problems, hair loss, your cranky, aches and pains, decreased in sexual performance, etc...
Yes their are more symptoms, then it just might be this thing called andropause.
No more in blaming our women when they are not doing well.
Yes men, I am sorry to tell you that we as men have issues too.
Maybe a little of erectile dysfunction or depression? These symptoms can be battled.
and for starters, you need to start changing your lifestyle.
A great diet and exercise.
And also you have to slow down on the alcohol and do something about that smoking.
Yes this andropause thing is still a highly debatable topic with doctors doubting if it even exists.
The main reasoning that is still being agreed upon is, what the proper definition will be.
Their is no clear physical symptom that is used to diagnose andropause.
We just have to wait and see.
In the meantime, enjoy life and have lots of sex(only if your in the mood.
And if your not, or looking for some transitions, there are great tips over at my site about various sexually men issues and what you can do about it.
) Andropause: Fact or Fiction.