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Don" t Diet To Get A Bikini Body - Make A Lifestyle Change

When you ask the question: "How to get a bikini body?" Did you know that one of the main errors that women make when trying to get a bikini body is saying to themselves that they are going to go on a diet to do it. I cannot stress enough, how significantly this can affect the results which you get in your quest.

Psychology is a key consideration when trying to accomplish ANY goal in life and weight loss goals are no different. The things you are saying to yourself in your head are a major factor in how successful you are going to be.

Going on a diet regime sets you up for failure from the get go! Why? Think about this. When you "go on" something, then at one stage you are going to "come off" that thing. You are already telling yourself that the changes you are making to your eating and exercise habits are not a lasting thing and so you may have short term success, but then when you "come off" the diet plan you have yourself on you will subconsciously revert to your old ways because your brain is telling you that you have finished what you have been doing.

A better mindset to have when you wish to get a bikini body is to say to yourself you are going to change your life style. The eating and physical exercise patterns you are going to create is a life-style and not a short term thing. This new life style is how you are going to live from now on. Possessing that thought in your head gives you significantly more of a possibility for success.

Even though it is painful to change your eating and exercise routines and undertake a "new lifestyle", if you focus on the pleasure you are going to feel when you are looking in the mirror at your new, terrific, attractive body. Your mind will then focus on the enjoyment your changes are going to give you, rather than the immediate discomfort you are feeling while making these changes in your life.

Don't go on a diet plan! Undertake a new and lasting life style. You can actually make the actions you take into habits. When you have formed the habit of great eating and the habit of exercising, it will not feel hard anymore, but second nature.

In research of behavior formation :how are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world by Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts, and Jane Wardle in the European Journal of Social Psychology, The time it took their participants to reach 95% of their asymptote of automaticity ranged from 18 to 254 days; indicating considerable difference in how long it takes different folks to reach their limit of automaticity and highlighting that it can take a very long time. Missing one opportunity to execute the behavior did not materially have an impact on the behavior development process.

This implies that, OK, it may take a lengthy amount of time for you to change your lifestyle or it may not, but as long as you stick to it, then your changes will grow to be a new way of life for you. Additionally, don't fret if you have some bumps in the road. As long as you are consistent, then you will surely form the habits you need to get you that bikini body you wish for.

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