Seasonal Lawn Care
Summer puts turf to the test. A well-prepared lawn can withstand a lot of stressors, including drought, pests, heat, and disease. A deep and extensive root zone will provide a reserve of carbohydrates to aid the stressed lawn and sustain it through hot days.
Fall is the most important season in the world of lawn care. As the days get cooler and shorter, it is the perfect opportunity to overseed and prepare the lawn for the following season. It's also the ideal time for cultural practices like aerating, de-thatching and projects like sodding and lawn renovations.
In northern areas, the lawn is not actively growing in the winter, but it is very much alive. In warmer climates, some grasses go dormant but others continue to grow. How we use (and abuse) lawn spaces in the winter makes a big difference to the overall health of the lawn.
Spring lawn care is not as intense as many make it. Resist the urge to do too much, too early. Many practices normally thought of as spring rituals--such as core aeration and lime application--are actually better suited for the fall. But do get a soil test in the spring!