Common Symptoms Of Side Effects And Suitable Ayurvedic Treatment
Coronary heart disease, heart attack and congestive heart failure are common heart diseases. Some of the common symptoms of heart disease include chest pain, discomfort, squeezing, and fullness, Burning, pressure, aching and many others.
The patient experiences weakness or dizziness, nausea, sweating, fast heartbeat and shortness of breath.
Symptoms of heart attack
Common symptoms of heart attack and other similar type of diseases include discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat or arm, indigestion, choking feeling, vomiting, extreme weakness, irregular heart beats, pain in the lower area of the breast bone and others.
Common symptoms of arrhythmias are pounding in the chest, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, dizziness or feeling light headed weakness or fatigue and others.
Common symptoms of arterial fibrillation are lack of energy, chest discomfort, heart palpitations, and lack of energy, shortness of breath, dizziness and others.
Symptoms of clogged arteries
Arteries are responsible for carrying blood to different parts of the body. Clogged arteries are the major reason behind stroke, heart attack and even death. Arterial plaque could result in ceratoid artery disease.
Ceratoid arteries are responsible for carrying pure oxygen to the brain and ceratoid disease could result in stroke and even death in severe cases.
If plaque persists for a longer duration of time, the amount of oxygen delivered to the blood vessels is reduced. This could result in numbness, pain, serious infection in feet and legs.
Atherosclerosis: - Atherosclerosis, major disease could be the result of major factors including high blood pressure, cigarette, smoke, high blood pressure, low blood pressure and other serious disorders.
Ayurvedic treatment for clogged arteries
Ayurveda serves as the ultimate treatment for clogged arteries. Unlike modern medicines, Ayurvedic treatment has fewer side effects.
Balanced diet for patients suffering from heart diseases and clogged arteries include fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, chapatti or brown bread, sprouts, salads, buttermilk, cottage cheese, vegetable soup, clarified butter or ghee, fresh milk and many others. Honey and jaggery are other suitable food items.
Things to be avoided
Patients need to avoid pulses and their preparations, fried things and groundnuts. Instead of buffalo milk or buffalo ghee, one need to consume cow's ghee and cow's milk. Other stimulants like coffee, tea and other alcoholic drinks are dangerous to health.
Some of the healthy food items include fatty acids. Some of the sources of omega 3 fatty acids include peanut butter and oil, flaxseeds, flax-seed oils, avocado, sesame oil, olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil and other items.
Advises and suggestions by Ayurveda
One need not overexert his heart. Regular exercises and regular relaxation need to be performed. Experts recommend yoga asana, pranayama and other breathing exercises for people suffering from heart diseases.
Mental stress is the major factor behind heart diseases. Meditation is considered as the best remedy for curing heart diseases. Mind and heart are interlinked with each other.
Patients suffering from heart related diseases need to relieve themselves from worry, stress, wrathful disposition and excessive sexual intercourse. Besides this, one needs to sleep early at night.
The patient experiences weakness or dizziness, nausea, sweating, fast heartbeat and shortness of breath.
Symptoms of heart attack
Common symptoms of heart attack and other similar type of diseases include discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat or arm, indigestion, choking feeling, vomiting, extreme weakness, irregular heart beats, pain in the lower area of the breast bone and others.
Common symptoms of arrhythmias are pounding in the chest, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, dizziness or feeling light headed weakness or fatigue and others.
Common symptoms of arterial fibrillation are lack of energy, chest discomfort, heart palpitations, and lack of energy, shortness of breath, dizziness and others.
Symptoms of clogged arteries
Arteries are responsible for carrying blood to different parts of the body. Clogged arteries are the major reason behind stroke, heart attack and even death. Arterial plaque could result in ceratoid artery disease.
Ceratoid arteries are responsible for carrying pure oxygen to the brain and ceratoid disease could result in stroke and even death in severe cases.
If plaque persists for a longer duration of time, the amount of oxygen delivered to the blood vessels is reduced. This could result in numbness, pain, serious infection in feet and legs.
Atherosclerosis: - Atherosclerosis, major disease could be the result of major factors including high blood pressure, cigarette, smoke, high blood pressure, low blood pressure and other serious disorders.
Ayurvedic treatment for clogged arteries
Ayurveda serves as the ultimate treatment for clogged arteries. Unlike modern medicines, Ayurvedic treatment has fewer side effects.
Balanced diet for patients suffering from heart diseases and clogged arteries include fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, chapatti or brown bread, sprouts, salads, buttermilk, cottage cheese, vegetable soup, clarified butter or ghee, fresh milk and many others. Honey and jaggery are other suitable food items.
Things to be avoided
Patients need to avoid pulses and their preparations, fried things and groundnuts. Instead of buffalo milk or buffalo ghee, one need to consume cow's ghee and cow's milk. Other stimulants like coffee, tea and other alcoholic drinks are dangerous to health.
Some of the healthy food items include fatty acids. Some of the sources of omega 3 fatty acids include peanut butter and oil, flaxseeds, flax-seed oils, avocado, sesame oil, olive oil, canola oil, soybean oil, safflower oil and other items.
Advises and suggestions by Ayurveda
One need not overexert his heart. Regular exercises and regular relaxation need to be performed. Experts recommend yoga asana, pranayama and other breathing exercises for people suffering from heart diseases.
Mental stress is the major factor behind heart diseases. Meditation is considered as the best remedy for curing heart diseases. Mind and heart are interlinked with each other.
Patients suffering from heart related diseases need to relieve themselves from worry, stress, wrathful disposition and excessive sexual intercourse. Besides this, one needs to sleep early at night.