Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

A Genuine Explanation of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet - Important Facts About Calorie Shifting

In this article I am going to give you a genuine explanation of what the fat loss 4 idiots diets is, and maybe even more importantly..
what it is NOT!If you are anything like most international dieters, you struggle with not only losing weight, but also with picking the proper path to getting there.
With a veritable avalanche of options and opportunities on the proverbial table at ALL times, it's no wonder that so many of us simply review them all...
and then do NOTHING.
There is actually a well known scientific theory that addresses phenomena, essentially stating that give people TOO many options, and ultimately, they'll choose to do nothing..
:-)Well, because I WANT to see YOU lose weight, I'm going to save you the exploration, and provide a simple overview of the fat loss 4 idiots diet so you don't have to!Read on..
:-) Filed Under:Important Facts and Figures The diet is based on the idea of calorie shifting, which is essentially the process of meal distribution over the course of a day ( 4 meals per day) and the VARIETY of foods that are permissible to eat.
(almost all of them!)The nuts and bolts of calorie shifting is that, theoretically, the largest single enemy of dieters is food boredom, and stagnation.
It is ALSO the largest enemy of your metabolism.
The fat loss 4 idiots diet eradicates this problem by MANDATING that you vary and diversify your food choices day to day.
Keeping your food intake flexible keeps your metabolism firing on HIGH as it is unable to get "comfortable" with your ordinary daily food choices.
As a more practical and personal benefit, the inherent variety in the diet keeps YOU firing on high asyou can CHOOSE from a wide amount of y our own personal food choices on a daily basis, ensuring you remain interested and motivated to KEEP moving forward and maximizing your own momentum in the process.

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