How to Rev Up Your Metabolism
Things You'll Need
1Change your exercise routine. If you continuously do the same exercise routine, your body becomes comfortable with it and you don't burn as many calories as you think you're burning. Push yourself to try other exercise routines, such as hiking with friends, kickboxing or yoga.
Build up your muscle strength. Each day, your muscles burn six calories, while fat burns only two calories. By replacing fat with muscle, you're boosting your metabolism and slimming down.
Eat breakfast every morning. When you skip breakfast, your body tries to conserve energy, which causes it to slow down since it thinks you're starving. A healthy breakfast includes protein and complex carbohydrates, which keep you full since they take longer for your body to break down. Try eating eggs, oats and fruit for breakfast.
Drink lots of water. Not drinking enough water may slow down your metabolism. According to Healthy Women and Women's Health, drinking eight to 12 glasses of cold water each day will increase your metabolic rate and help you burn more calories.
Snack throughout the day. This doesn't mean that you should eat larger meals throughout the day. Choose healthy, smaller snacks to curb your hunger until you're ready for lunch or dinner. For example, eating a handful of nuts, grapes or baby carrots every four hours will keep you full during the day and keep your metabolism active.