The Most Common Mandarin Chinese Words - Part Two
Friday, May/17/2019
< Continued from page 4
Traditional: ???
Simplified: ???
Pinyin: dòngwùyuán
Meaning: zoo
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: dou
Meaning: all; both (if two things are involved); entirely (due to)each; even; already
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: dú
Meaning: to read; to study
Traditional: ??
Simplified: ??
Pinyin: dúshu
Meaning: study; read
Traditional: ??
Simplified: ??
Pinyin: dùzi
Meaning: belly; abdomen
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: duan
Meaning: lack; short
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: duì
Meaning: couple; pair; to be opposite; to oppose; to face; for; to; correct (answer); to answer; to reply; to direct (towards sth); right
Traditional: ???
Simplified: ???
Pinyin: duìbùqi
Meaning: I`m sorry; pardon me; forgive me
Traditional: ??
Simplified: ??
Pinyin: duìmiàn
Meaning: opposite
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: duo
Meaning: many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-
Traditional: ???
Simplified: ???
Pinyin: dòngwùyuán
Meaning: zoo
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: dou
Meaning: all; both (if two things are involved); entirely (due to)each; even; already
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: dú
Meaning: to read; to study
Traditional: ??
Simplified: ??
Pinyin: dúshu
Meaning: study; read
Traditional: ??
Simplified: ??
Pinyin: dùzi
Meaning: belly; abdomen
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: duan
Meaning: lack; short
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: duì
Meaning: couple; pair; to be opposite; to oppose; to face; for; to; correct (answer); to answer; to reply; to direct (towards sth); right
Traditional: ???
Simplified: ???
Pinyin: duìbùqi
Meaning: I`m sorry; pardon me; forgive me
Traditional: ??
Simplified: ??
Pinyin: duìmiàn
Meaning: opposite
Traditional: ?
Simplified: ?
Pinyin: duo
Meaning: many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-
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