Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Leather Sectionals Instantly Improve Your Home's Aesthetic

As a college student, you get used to things like furniture that was made in Czechoslovakia. Yes, I meant what I said. Not the Czech Republic or Slovakia, but good, old Czechoslovakia. And those chairs are the newest things in the house. Our dishwasher, while relatively new, never actually washes dishes, the internet requires constant fiddling, the heater breaks at least once a month, the hot water lasts through only one shower despite the fact that there are six roommates, and the carpets have been around to see sit-ins and discos. But. One day, after nearly 14 days in a row of calling the landlords to fix things that were going wrong, something incredible happened. I walked in the front door, and even though the lights were off, I could tell something was different. Very different. I gingerly set my bag down and tiptoed over to the light switch. I turned the light on, and immediately knew that my life was changed forever. My landlord had provided us with a brand spanking new leather couch. A leather couch. A real one. I was stunned. I walked over to it, hoping it was not just a mirage created by my studying-crazed mind. I reached a hand out to touch it and right before making contact, pulled it back. "It can't be real," I thought. I closed my eyes and rubbed them, willing reality to make itself known. I opened my eyes and the couch was still there. I reached out again, and this time my fingers made contact with the beautiful, soft, leather of a couch that was all our own. I spent a good amount of time just running my hands over the wonderfully textured cushions. I still could not believe it. It took quite a while before I actually tried it out, but when I did, it was like Christmas and my golden birthday and secret love notes and a beautiful symphony all rolled into one. I sank perfectly into the cushions and knew that never had a couch been so perfectly made for someone as this couch was for me. None of those cushions that slide out every time you try to sit down. None of the "stuff swallowing" business that couches seem so fond of doing- where you set down the remote, and two seconds later, it has disappeared into the deep recesses of somewhere you are not sure you want to look for it. When you decide you really must find it, you start the search and find a multitude of pens, ticket stubs, coins, crumbs, keys, CD's, books, markers, and well, the list goes on. But none of that. There was to be none of that awkward sitting pose, where you can't lean back because then you have to hold your head in a weird position. The back cushions were not the kind that almost push you off the couch so you have to balance on your tailbone on the edge of the seat. This couch was perfect.

I believe I forgot to mention it, but this couch was not just any couch. It was one of those leather sectionals. Yeah. How many college houses without greek letters over the door have leather sectionals? Not many, that's how many. On this couch, you could stretch out, you could sit with ten other people, thirteen if you were all good friends. It seemed to mesh perfectly with the other furnishings of the house- the artificial Christmas tree that should have been put away long ago but somehow has become an irreplaceable element of the living room, the book collection displayed on a bookshelf from the ever-present IKEA, and so on. For months after the appearance of the couch, whenever someone walked into our house they were blown away by the difference it made in the beauty and comfort of our house. If this was any kind of real narrative, it would be sure to have a twist ending, where the couch turned on us and ate us, or suddenly it turned into a giant robot. But no, this is real life. And in real life, leather sectionals only makes things better.

So if you want to know how to instantly take your home decor up a notch (or more like a zillion), simply insert a leather couch. There is an unbelievably large variety of options, but don't let that scare you off either. It is a very manageable thing to find, and it is easy to keep from being overwhelmed by all the options. There will be a lot of styles that will not fit for your home, so you will automatically be able to count those out, but you will definitely never be at a loss of things that would be perfect for you, either.

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