Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

DIY Pig Roasters

    • 1). Choose a location clear of grass and plants to build the roaster. Lay the cinder blocks out in a four-by-two block square. Inset the short side (the one that's two blocks long) so the cinder blocks form a closed square. Add another row of cinder blocks to make the roaster two blocks high.

    • 2). Line the sides of the first two rows of cinder blocks and the ground with aluminum foil. Secure the foil with another layer of cinder blocks. Lay the final layer of cinder blocks on top, making a roaster four cinder blocks high. When ready to roast your pig, place charcoal inside the roaster.

    • 3). Cut the wire into three 18 inch sections. Wire the two sections of chain link fencing together at the top, bottom and middle. They should open like a book. When ready to roast your pig, place the pig between the fencing and wire the other side closed with three more 18-inch sections of wire. Place the pig on top of the cinder blocks and cover with aluminum foil.

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