Health & Medical Adolescent Health

The Benefits of Life Coaching for Teens

Teenage years can be challenging for teens and for parents.
Puberty brings hormonal changes, doubts and uncertainty.
Often teens are hesitant to talk to their parents about certain matters for fear of being judged.
As a parent, you want the best for your teens and in these changing times you may find that you aren't comfortable discussing certain matters and may not be the person for your teens to come to for certain topics.
For this reason, a Life Coach for Teens would be an ideal solution for both parties.
What is a Life Coach? A life coach is a guide.
A guide who works with adults and teens to help him or her maintain balance in life.
The goal of a teen's personal coach is to help him or her recognize where he or she wants to go in life and implement goal setting strategies to get there.
In addition, a personal coach is also another set of ears and a sounding board to help your teenager sort through life's teen challenges.
Some teenagers may be less social or fearful in certain settings and a life coach will help him or her address these fears.
What Goes on during a Coaching Session? In the same way as a session with an adult, a personal life coach for teens would use a life balance wheel to help assess the areas that need the most focus.
Once that is determined, a strategy is designed for your teen and goals are set.
Completing certain short-term goals are encouraged before the next session.
A session may include help in preparing for college, dealing with a recent break up, building self-esteem or addressing health and fitness issues.
Is Life Coaching for Teens Like Therapy? A coach focuses mainly in the present with the emphasis on how to progress forward whereas a therapist may delve more in the past.
Additionally, medication is never prescribed by a coach.
Instead, your teen will learn self development techniques to help him or her be more confident.
What to look for in a Personal Coach for Your Teen Encourage your teen's opinion about seeing a life coach.
You should feel comfortable allowing this coach to hold coaching sessions with your teenager.
The best way to do this is to have a conversation or two with the coach and to pay attention to how you are feeling during these discussions.
Never discard your instinctive feelings.
Lastly, the personal coach that you choose should be able to demonstrate extensive experience as a life coach but also be able to show experience with coaching teens.

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