Buying Cell Phones Online
Remember those days when portable phones were heavier (and larger) than bricks? Back in those primitive days, business people (the only ones who could afford such an expensive service) spent as much on doctors and massages (to get rid of the contractures caused by carrying around those eight pound monsters) as they spent on mobile telephony itself.
Worse yet, those huge phones were rarely sold, but instead they were leased, so you didn't even own your own equipment.
Luckily for us, mobile telephony has evolved in such a way that today cell phones are even more used that toasters or Television sets, as most houses have at least one phone per family member, but rarely more than three TVs per household.
Amazing advances in technology made cell phones evolution possible; with the arrival of smaller electronic components every day, cell phones manufacturers like Motorola or Sony Ericsson are able to include much many features in the same physical space.
Better yet, many electronic equipment manufacturers have started to produce cell phones themselves, making what was almost a monopoly in those days into a very competitive market.
Today, cell phones are almost as small as a lighter, and some are in fact smaller than a pack of cigarettes.
This makes mobile phones really easy to use and carry in your pocket in such an easy way that most people forget they have a phone until it starts ringing.
And if we talk about ringing phones, we can not avoid mentioning one of the latest fashions: ringtones.
Monophonic tones, polyphonic music and different tones for different incoming calls are several features that are very common nowadays.
Some phones even allow you to choose your own MP3 file to play as a ringtone (I got a "Hey! Answer me!" ringtone I have recorded myself, hehe).
What's more, modern cell phones take communication to the next level by including the capability to take pictures and record real time video.
When I look back to those primitive times and then I compare those monsters to modern equipment, I cannot stop wondering what new and amazing features will future cell phones include.
Worse yet, those huge phones were rarely sold, but instead they were leased, so you didn't even own your own equipment.
Luckily for us, mobile telephony has evolved in such a way that today cell phones are even more used that toasters or Television sets, as most houses have at least one phone per family member, but rarely more than three TVs per household.
Amazing advances in technology made cell phones evolution possible; with the arrival of smaller electronic components every day, cell phones manufacturers like Motorola or Sony Ericsson are able to include much many features in the same physical space.
Better yet, many electronic equipment manufacturers have started to produce cell phones themselves, making what was almost a monopoly in those days into a very competitive market.
Today, cell phones are almost as small as a lighter, and some are in fact smaller than a pack of cigarettes.
This makes mobile phones really easy to use and carry in your pocket in such an easy way that most people forget they have a phone until it starts ringing.
And if we talk about ringing phones, we can not avoid mentioning one of the latest fashions: ringtones.
Monophonic tones, polyphonic music and different tones for different incoming calls are several features that are very common nowadays.
Some phones even allow you to choose your own MP3 file to play as a ringtone (I got a "Hey! Answer me!" ringtone I have recorded myself, hehe).
What's more, modern cell phones take communication to the next level by including the capability to take pictures and record real time video.
When I look back to those primitive times and then I compare those monsters to modern equipment, I cannot stop wondering what new and amazing features will future cell phones include.