Health & Medical Parenting

5 of the Best Baby Gifts For Multiples

So you just found out your best friend is having triplets and you're ready to start shopping.
Your first inclination might be to start buying 3 of everything - 3 matching t-shirts, 3 matching rattles, 3 matching receiving blankets.
But keep in mind that having 3 babies isn't just 3 times as much fun - it's also 3 times as much confusion - and work! Here are the best baby gifts for multiples that will really be appreciated.
Diapers - Of course the number one gift on the list is diapers.
The average newborn uses 12 diapers per day.
Multiply that by 3 and then multiply it again by 30 and you're looking at almost 1100 diapers just in the first month.
Over the course of just one year the expense will be more than $3000.
New parents - especially of multiples - always appreciate the gift of diapers.
Time - The second best baby gift you can give any new mother is the gift of Time.
And with multiples it's even more appreciated.
Organize a weekly housecleaning brigade, volunteer to run errands or do the grocery shopping, cook meals that are easy to re-heat.
Don't just offer "Let me know if I can be of any help.
" Most people won't take you up on it.
Be specific - "I will be here every Monday for the first 6 months to sit with the babies for one hour so you can get a bubble bath and relax.
" or "I will be here every Saturday afternoon for 2 hours so you can go out and get your hair done or relax at the coffee shop.
" Baby clothes - Multiple babies are going to go through multiple clothing items - bibs, t-shirts, nightgowns, socks, booties, etc.
If you buy matching items, get them in different colors.
And make sure to pass the word for baby showers to let everyone know what the colors are.
For example, if the mother is having triplets, have everyone buy red, yellow and green or pink, blue and yellow.
That way you'll always be able to tell which baby is which until they develop their own personalities.
Baby care items - Even though the mother may be planning to breastfeed she's still going to need bottles - and plenty of them.
Medicine dispensers, thermometers, baby shampoo, burping towels, baby powders and ointments - all of the items you'd generally buy for new babies will be in even greater demand when multiples are involved.
While a baby thermometer may only be needed for one baby at a time, chances are it will be used more frequently and the chance of breaking it or losing it will be greater.
So multiple gifts for multiple babies will always be appreciated.
Baby safety - Don't forget things like outlet covers and drawer locks.
With more than one baby crawling around the curiosity and mischief will multiply, too, so it's even more important to make sure the house is baby-proofed.

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