Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

Storage Tips for a Nissan 350Z


    • Cover your Nissan 350Z. Purchase a car cover made specifically for this car. If not able to do so, any type of car cover will do; just check to ensure that it you have tied it down for proper protection.

    Oil Change

    • Change the oil. Used oil contains acids, moisture, and other combustion by-products that, if left to sit for long periods of time, can cause long-term damage of corrosion inside the engine.

    Cylinder Lubrication

    • Pull out the spark plugs, pour 1 tsp. of oil into each cylinder, then replace the spark plugs. This step helps coat the cylinders with oil and prevents rusting.

    • Seal the engine. When sealing the engine of a Nissan 350Z, fill the engine opening with absorbent cotton to keep moisture out.

    • Remove the battery, then clean the top with a battery cleaning solution. Use a car batter tickle to keep the battery fully charged when storing your Nissan long term. You can purchase a universal tickler rather than trying to find one specific to a Nissan 350Z.

    • Completely empty the gas tank. If gas sits for longer than 30 days, it starts to evaporate and leaves a varnish in the tank. This sludge gums up the fuel system and can prove a challenge to clean out unless performed by a mechanic.

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