Health & Medical Men's Health

Growing A Bigger Penis With Hand Exercises Works - (But There Are 2 Serious Warnings To Consider)

The concept of growing a bigger penis by just using your hands is something that most men just couldn't believe was possible...
including myself.
Once I tried out other methods (pills and pumps), I decided to go ahead and give penis exercises a try.
Shockingly, they were very effective and did cause my penis to increase by 2 inches in 8 weeks time (from 5 1/2 inches erected to 7 1/2 inches erected).
There are a ton of positives I can tell you about using penis exercises, however, there are 2 negatives I strongly recommend you take note of if you are considering using this enlargement method to increase your size.
In today's article, I'm going to go over those 2 warnings, and I hope by the end of this article you'll have a clearer understanding of what to expect when exercising your manhood.
Also, I hope that you'll have a better understanding of what it is you need to do in order for exercises to not just be very effective, but also very safe.
First Warning: Red Sores Or Blisters Developing red sores or blisters is very possible when you are doing manhood exercises.
They become very possible if you are: A.
Not warming up prior to doing the routines.
Exercising too hard or for too long.
The solution to this so that you can avoid developing red sores or blisters when doing these natural hand exercises is to ensure you warm up before beginning these exercise routines.
The best way to warm up is to simply take a warm towel and place that over your manhood for just a couple of minutes.
This will warm up the ligaments and chambers of your manhood, and will then prevent soreness or blisters from developing.
Second Warning: Tissue Atrophy Can Develop The way tissue atrophy can develop when doing penis hand exercises is from the nerves in your penis swelling up.
How does the nerves of your penis end up swelling up? Well, this again can end up happening from you not warming up first.
Also, this can develop from you not following the routines precisely.
Following the routines exactly as they are taught to you in a reputable penis exercise guide is absolutely critical.
The reason why is because these exercises are very precise, and if you do them just a little bit incorrectly, then this could potentially end up causing problems.
There are so many different types of exercises that you have to do to successfully, consistently, and quickly add some serious size to your manhood...
There are an array of jelqing exercises, kegel exercises, PC muscle exercises, and so much more.
If all of these routines are followed exactly as they are taught, then you greatly reduce the risk of developing any type of problem...
and you'll greatly increase the size of your penis.
Furthermore, it is very important that you choose a highly reputable penis exercise since not all of the guides that you see out here today have all of the effective (and SAFE) routines.
Finding an effective guide is what will not just bring you safer results, but also more significant and complete results.
When I say "complete", I'm talking about not just being able to add 1-4 inches to your size, I'm also talking about being able to have more powerful ejaculation, increase how long you last during sex, improve the health of your manhood, make your flaccid "hanging" size longer, and more.
Bottom line, if you want to avoid those 2 warnings above, it basically comes down to always making sure that you warm up prior to beginning these routines and that you choose the right guide.
If you do, you should be able to add significant size to your manhood...
without running the risk of developing pain or other problems.

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