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10 Signs You Really Love Color

You've Color-App'd Your Dog to Find the Right Sofa Color

It may sound like a perfectly practical idea to match the color of your sofa to your pet's fur. Wouldn't that seem like a great way to combat that irritating pet hair that stands out so much on your dark brown sofa? That would be a wonderful use of the awesome color apps available now. But as someone who really loves color, that's not what you did. Is it? You used the color app to make sure that your dog looks great on the new sofa, so you chose the perfect aqua fabric to offset your adorable dog's brown eyes.

It's okay to admit it.

7 Color Apps You Need to Try if You Really Love Color

You Didn't Settle for Princess Pink as a Kid

Pink and lavender are lovely choices for decorating a little girl's room. They are not only happy and pretty, it can make decorating easier because there are so many accessories available in those colors. But, when you were little, you wanted none of that off-the-shelf princess pink. Everyone that knows you knows that your princess was a mermaid, and your favorite color was aqua. Your mermaid princess had a sidekick turtle who was a perfect shade of green, so that was your accent color, of course.

You're still going your own way with color, choosing what you love instead of following every trend, just as you did when you decorated your first room (at seven years old.)

What Kids Can Tell You About Color

Your Front Door Was Painted Before You Unpacked the First Moving Box

Moving can be so stressful, but for someone that truly loves color, it can be torture. That new house you chose has all the wrong colors, or worse yet, it's all one big neutral beige. Anyone who knows you well doesn't judge at all when you unpack the painting supplies first and take care of that "boring" front door before another box is unpacked. 

What Does Your Front Door Say About Your Home?

You Know the Difference Between Pink and Coral (and it Matters to You)

Peach, pink, or coral? You know the difference. You also wince when someone uses the term aqua and turquoise interchangeably. You're still unable to talk about the big taupe vs. beige scuffle in the home improvement paint aisle, (the memory is still too raw to relive.) 

See Sherwin-Williams Coral Reef, and all the 2015 Colors of the Year

You Educate People About Undertones at the Paint Store

If your'e going to offer free advice to any fellow shopper that will listen, you'll want to be sure that you keep up on your color education. You could go on for hours about undertones, and how they "change everything!" but you've been asked by the security guard to take your purchases to the counter so the employees can go home for the night.

What You Need to Know About Paint Undertones (Especially if You're Educating Random Customers at the Local Paint Store.)

You Know What Greige Is (and You Know Why It's so Awesome)

"Grege is quite simply the best neutral color ever invented," says you at every party you've attended since that historic day greige was identified and named. Of course those of us that really love color know what makes greige the perfect neutral, so it's perfectly okay to spread the word to the rest of the world. Consider it a public service. You're welcome.

 Why Greige Could Really be the Best Neutral Color Ever

You Don't Take Color Risks, You Take Color Adventures

Even for the most stylish color-lover, there have been color mishaps. Remember that time you decided that mustard was going to trend in 2009? Like champ, you endured the mockery and disdain, and declared it a creative color excursion. Those that really love color know that there are no bad colors, just bad timing. Mustard is coming back eventually. Or perhaps not.

Try These 3 Ways to be More Adventurous With Color 

The Pantone Color of the Year Announcement is on Your Calendar

The biggest day of the year for someone that really loves color, is the day the Pantone Color of the Year is announced. While there will be no parades, or 24/7 news coverage, the announcement is deeply personal to you. I know it's frustrating that everyone around you does not comprehend the significance of the announcement date.The doubters will simply not be invited to your Color Announcement party next year.


See Designer Tips for Using Pantone's 2015 Color of the Year - Marsala

Sure, those pretty white kitchens are adorable. You also see the attraction of the sleek kitchens with their dark cabinets and neutral walls. Your dream kitchen, however, is where you really fly your color-lover flag. You spend most of your time at home, in the kitchen, and it's where guests always seem to gather. Why not decorate in your most favorite colors? 

The 7 Best Kitchen Paint Colors

Oh, that dreaded question, "what is your favorite color?" After you name off 10 possibles, your new friend has wandered away to make small talk with someone else.

Choosing your favorite color is like choosing your favorite dessert. Cannot be done. Case closed.

 How to Decorate With Your Favorite Color

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