Home & Garden Architecture

How to Polish a New Vinyl Tiled Floor

    • 1). Clean the new vinyl tile floor surface thoroughly using a broom, dust mop or vacuum.

    • 2). Prepare vinyl floor polish solution in a bucket according to the manufacturer's instructions for the area to be covered.

    • 3). Saturate a mop with the polish solution and wring lightly to apply the solution to the vinyl floor's surface. Apply the solution liberally with side to side, overlapping mop strokes. The floor surface should appear wet, but not puddled, when fully coated.

    • 4). Allow the floor area to dry completely. Refrain from walking on the polished floor before it dries to prevent footprints or impressions in the wax.

    • 5). Repeat steps 2 through 4 to apply additional coats of polish to the floor.

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