Lose Weight by Changing Your Routine
Daily routines and habits play a huge role in our weight loss challenges.
By changing some of these routines you will lose weight and start living a healthier life.
Here some common habits ad routines that a lot of us are subject to.
On our way to work you make that daily stop at the convenience store to fill up with gas, buy the lottery ticket and maybe grab a cup of coffee.
Nest you grab one of the those little white bags and put a jelly filled Long John in and maybe some of those freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
Some things to munch on while driving to work.
I know..
I've been there.
SUGGESTION: Some of things can be done the day before.
You can bring coffee from home in the travel mug, buy the paper from a coin machine at another location.
You really do not have to make that stop.
I also suggest changing the route you take going to work so you when you see the convenience store you don't involuntarily turn into the parking lot.
Reading the newspaper, working the crossword puzzle while eating your dinner or lunch.
SUGGESTION: Some people think this is a good habit because you eat slower and you do a better job of chewing you food.
I maintain that you eat more by doing this.
You will find that you will go for seconds and maybe even go for the dessert because you are not done working the puzzle or reading the paper.
Some people feel they are not wasting time doing these things as long as they are eating.
Concentrate on what you are eating and how you are feeling.
You r brain will read the signals that you have had enough and you will be more apt to push the plate away.
You've eaten that great meal, you are full and relaxed and maybe a little drowsy.
Go sit in the recliner, turn the TV on and watch the news.
Before long you are taking a little snooze.
SUGGESTION: It's great to sit in the recliner, but don't recline.
You body needs about 30 minutes to start the digestion process and get those nutrients into your system.
Then its time to take that 10 minute walk and start your body's calorie burning process.
Don't rationalize not taking that walk because its raining, snowing, too hot.
You can walk indoors from the lower level of your home to the upper level several times or from one end of the house to the other several times.
You can always get some exercise in regardless of the weather or where you are.
Habits can be very strong because there is satisfaction of some kind or there is something in it for you.
When breaking a bad habit keep in mind why you are breaking it and whats in for you in the New habit.
Don't rationalize or make excuses for your bad habits.
Routines and habits have a way of running your life.
Take charge of your life and keep in mind the reasons and benefits of the changes you are making.
By changing some of these routines you will lose weight and start living a healthier life.
Here some common habits ad routines that a lot of us are subject to.
On our way to work you make that daily stop at the convenience store to fill up with gas, buy the lottery ticket and maybe grab a cup of coffee.
Nest you grab one of the those little white bags and put a jelly filled Long John in and maybe some of those freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
Some things to munch on while driving to work.
I know..
I've been there.
SUGGESTION: Some of things can be done the day before.
You can bring coffee from home in the travel mug, buy the paper from a coin machine at another location.
You really do not have to make that stop.
I also suggest changing the route you take going to work so you when you see the convenience store you don't involuntarily turn into the parking lot.
Reading the newspaper, working the crossword puzzle while eating your dinner or lunch.
SUGGESTION: Some people think this is a good habit because you eat slower and you do a better job of chewing you food.
I maintain that you eat more by doing this.
You will find that you will go for seconds and maybe even go for the dessert because you are not done working the puzzle or reading the paper.
Some people feel they are not wasting time doing these things as long as they are eating.
Concentrate on what you are eating and how you are feeling.
You r brain will read the signals that you have had enough and you will be more apt to push the plate away.
You've eaten that great meal, you are full and relaxed and maybe a little drowsy.
Go sit in the recliner, turn the TV on and watch the news.
Before long you are taking a little snooze.
SUGGESTION: It's great to sit in the recliner, but don't recline.
You body needs about 30 minutes to start the digestion process and get those nutrients into your system.
Then its time to take that 10 minute walk and start your body's calorie burning process.
Don't rationalize not taking that walk because its raining, snowing, too hot.
You can walk indoors from the lower level of your home to the upper level several times or from one end of the house to the other several times.
You can always get some exercise in regardless of the weather or where you are.
Habits can be very strong because there is satisfaction of some kind or there is something in it for you.
When breaking a bad habit keep in mind why you are breaking it and whats in for you in the New habit.
Don't rationalize or make excuses for your bad habits.
Routines and habits have a way of running your life.
Take charge of your life and keep in mind the reasons and benefits of the changes you are making.