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How to Clean White Landscape Rocks

    • 1). Drill eight holes in the bottom of the tub to provide drainage.

    • 2). Put on your safety glasses. Long pants and sleeves are also recommended to protect you from flying rocks and bleach.

    • 3). Use the leaf blower to remove surface debris from your white landscaping rock.

    • 4). Remove the rocks from their bed using the shovel and put them in a large tub.

    • 5). Power-wash the rocks with water to remove dirt. Rotate the rocks several times to ensure you have cleaned the surfaces.

    • 6). Move the rocks to another large tub that does not have drainage holes. Pour 3 cups of bleach over the rocks, and fill the tub with water from a garden hose.

    • 7). Allow the rocks to soak overnight.

    • 8). Drain off the bleach water. Pour the bleach water in an area where it will not affect your landscaping efforts.

    • 9). Transfer the rocks to the tub with the holes in it. Rinse the rocks with the garden hose, or if necessary, power wash them once more.

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      Put the rocks on the tarp in a sunny location. Move them back to their bed once they are dry.

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