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7 Important Benefits Of Breast Feeding Your Baby

Becoming a new mother is nothing short of a miracle itself.
It does not matter how many times you give birth, each time is amazing.
You will be making many choices for your new baby and one of the first ones will be whether to: bottle or breastfeed your baby.
Nursing, also known as breastfeeding, provides your baby with a lifetime of benefits.
Breastfeeding, if only for a few days, provides babies with immunities that will last forever.
The health benefits can only be found in mother's milk.
Scientists have worked for decades to imitate the complexity of its ingredients and have gotten very close to recreating it in the lab, but there are things they just can't get.
Your breast milk, especially in the first week of life, provides immunities against things like asthma, allergies and disease for a lifetime to mother and baby.
Nursing also has immediate benefits and the number one reason is it is free.
The baby can use your own milk from a bottle and someone else can feed them while helping you and other family members can still create their own bonds 2.
Breast milk is proven to pass antibodies that lower the incidence of ear, stomach and respiratory infections during infancy 3.
The natural action and fit of suckling from the breast, supports jaw development, alignment and formation of the cheek bones 4.
Breast milk is always just right and instant.
No need to prepare and warm, yours is always ready and just the right temperature 5.
Mother's milk is easy on the stomach.
There's no need to worry that the baby may be allergic to it and there will be less spitting up 6.
The uterus must shrink back to its pre pregnancy size, so it is still contracting and nursing speeds up this process 7.
Breastfeeding has been proven to lower the risk of breast cancer.
These benefits have been found to exist in the nursing mother in as little as three months of breastfeeding Breastfeeding your baby has also been proven to help reduce problems with obesity.
This is only the beginning you must continue to encourage good eating habits as your baby grows.
Provide a positive and enjoyable eating environment with a variety of textures and color.
Breastfeeding does not fit into everyone's schedule or lifestyle but, you can still provide most of the benefits by pumping your baby's milk supply.
The longer you can personally supply your baby's milk immediately after birth, the better it will be for both of you.

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